© NikosKriti

My musical Crete

Discus of Phaistos side A
Discus of Phaistos side B

Cretan Music 2

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Manolis Karabirakis
Manolis is in the time of the financial crisis a rarely seen guest at the Dionysos Tavern. In his main profession he is a bailiff, and has very much to do. But every now and then he takes some time to play with Jorgos some Cretan songs and accompanies him expertly on his lauto. His positive, joyful kind spreads immediately a boisterous atmosphere in the tavern. He also is a proven specialist and expert in the production of the 'Cretan National beverage - the Raki'
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  7. Συρτός – Ηρακλειόν χορός.   musik-note     
  8. Συρτός από Ηράκλειο.   musik-note     
  9. Συρτός Κρητηκός καί μουσικί.   musik-note     
10. Κρητηκί σούστα (χορός).   musik-note     
11. Συρτός από Ηράκλειο.   musik-note     
12. Σητειακός Πηδηχτός χορός.   musik-note     
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